This section begins by browsing the ProvideX programs, keyed files, and NOMADS libraries that comprise the new DemoApp project. The following instructions assume that you are familiar with the Navigator View. For more information on the Navigator View see Workbench User Guide > Getting started > Basic tutorial > Navigating Resources
Confirm the ProvideX perspective is open. The following views will be open in the Workbench:
Prior to browsing the ProvideX project we need to make sure the project has been built. The build process is explained in detail in the section Building ProvideX Projects.
The DemoApp project's "src" directory is the project's input directory. All of the project's files (resources, programs, etc) will be added to and modified in this directory.
The DemoApp project's output directory is called "compiled". When a resource is built, the ProvideX builder scans the resource and compiles or copies it from the input directory to the output directory. For performance reasons a resource is typically only built when it has been changed. To force every resource in a project to be built regardless of its change status we must perform a clean build on the project.
Select the menu item Project > Clean... to build the entire project.
The Clean dialogue will appear; click Clean all projects so it is not checked.
Select the DemoApp project and click OK to force every resource in the project to be (re)built.
Now that the project has been built, the output directory will contain every file found in the input directory. The ASCII text files containing ProvideX source code were compiled into ProvideX Program files. The project's data files, NOMADS libraries, and any other resources were examined and then copied to the output directory.
Outline: Client to see the structural information about the data file.
Properties view - Resource Information:
Embedded Dictionary view - Embedded IO List Information:
NOMADS view:
This displays the Panels, Queries, and Popup Menus defined in the ProvideX library. To edit one of the library elements double click the Panel, Query or Popup menu.
Outline view:
Double clicking an Attribute, Function or Line Label in the Outline view will open the ProvideX editor with focus on the selected element.