Identifying Problems in Code

The following indicators can help to identify problems in your code. The build process is discussed in detail under Building ProvideX Projects. This section will focus on how error messages are associated with the ProvideX source code.

As a resource is (re)built, information will be updated to the Console view. This view will show a summary of the results of the build process; if there are errors in the source code this summary will include information about the number of errors found. Also, for each error found in the source file, an error line will be added to the Problem view and a marker will be placed in the vertical ruler of your source code.

Build Errors

To demonstrate this process...

  1. Open DemoApp > src > prog > outputpdf.pvc.pvt in the editor by double clicking the resource in the Navigator view.

  2. Add the following code at the end of the source listing:
    read (x0,err=BadRec)
    x1 = "an error"

  3. Click the Save button. The program is rebuilt and the problems found in the source code will be identified in several ways:

  4. Click the close (X) button on the editor's tab to close the editor.

Filtering Errors

When a project contains many application programs, there may be occassions when there are several programs with errors or warnings. Eclipse allows the list of items reported in the Problems view to be filtered to reduce the number of items that are displayed to only those that match the filter criteria.

The mechanism for filtering items in the problem view is very different between the various releases of Eclipse. The following explanation describes the process for the 2020-03 release.

In the Problems view...

Correcting Errors

Once the number of items in the Problems view has been reduced to a manageable number...

The file is opened in the editor at the location of the problem.

Correct the problem in the editor...


You can configure how problems are indicated on the Goto the annotations preference page General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations preference page.