A simple text file ( project.properties ) can be created in the root folder of each project to specify properties (or preferences) to be used by contributed tools or to override a Eclipse preference or project property setting.
A simple text file ( workspace.properties ) can be created in the root folder of the Workspace to specify properties (or preferences) to be used when a property file has been defined for a project.
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Any property value that represents an operating system path must use '/' character instead of '\'. |
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If the filename has no path, will look for the file in the project root folder. If it is not found, this property will be ignored. |
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Any contributed tools triggered as pre/post process events for the build process will execute in the ProvideX environment associated with the workbench. |
The project/workspace specific properties files can append to string preferences, override the current value of a boolean or string preference, or set a new default to be used for a boolean or string preference.
To append to the value of a string preference, prefix the internal name for the preference with 'appendPreferenceS' and assign a value or list of values to add to the current value of the system preference.
To override the value of a preference, prefix the internal name for the preference with 'overridePreferenceB' or 'overridePreferenceS', depending on the data type of the preference, and assign the new value or override the current value of the system preference.
A Boolean preference can be set to either true or false while a String preference is set to a text value based on the definition of the preference.
To define the default, prefix the internal name for the preference with 'defaultPreferenceB' or 'defaultPreferenceS' depending on the data type of the preference.
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If the preference has already been set, or is changed later, this default value will not be used. |
The values of many preferences can be set in either a project or workspace properties file using the keywords below except where highlighted.
Appearance Options | ||
ID | Type | Description |
P_SAVE_WINDOW_POSITION | Boolean | When this option is enabled, the window position of
contributed tools window will be saved. ** Use this preference only in the Workspace Properties File. ** |
Builder Options | ||
ID | Type | Description |
_AddSourceFileExt | String | Always add the source file extension when
importing/converting files. ** Use this preference only in the Workspace Properties File. ** |
_AltStartUp | String | The full path the the alternate startup program used to initialize the environment; _UseStartUp must be set to true to enable this option. |
_AutoConvertPrograms | Boolean | Automatically convert ProvideX programs to text |
_BtiEnable | Boolean | Load/Save resource properties in a project BuildTagInfo properties file |
_BuildCheckStructure | Boolean | Check logical structure during build |
_BuildMaintainCase | Boolean | Allow mixed case for variable names and line labels |
_CheckBinaryDataInFileHeader | Boolean | Check file header (first 512 characters) for non-ASCII character(s) |
_CommonResourceFileExtensions | String | A space separated list of file extensions used to identify common resource files for project |
_DisableCstyleComments | Boolean | Disable C-Style comments |
_ForceRebuildOfResourceFiles | Boolean | Force rebuild of files marked as resource |
_IgnoreFullBuildAtStartup | Boolean | Ignore full build request triggered as Eclipse is starting |
_ProgramPasswordList | String | A space-separated list of passwords to use when attempting to convert a protected program |
_ShowSizeWarning | Boolean | Show program 64K size warning |
_SimpleScanDuplicateNames | Boolean | Scan source during build process to identify duplicate function/variable declarations that may cause an Error 24 at run-time |
_StringLiteralContinue | Boolean | Mark all string literals that span multiple lines with a Style Check warning |
_StripSourceExtension | Boolean | Strip 'default source file extension' from output filename |
_UseMASBuildOne | Boolean | Enable access to build process extensions for Sage 100 |
_UseStartUp | Boolean | Allow build process to use an alternate startup program to initialize the environment |
P_BUILD_DATAFILES | Boolean | Build process will copy data files from source folder to compiled folder |
P_BUILD_FILES_NO_EXT | Boolean | Build process will attempt to build files with no file extension |
P_BUILD_RESOURCES | Boolean | Build process will copy files marked as resources from source folder to compiled folder |
Contributed Extensions / Tools | ||
ID | Type | Description |
_extObserverEnable | Boolean | Enable external observers |
_extObserverUserDir | String | Directory for user-defined observers |
_extObserver_ClassName | Boolean | force enable/disable of a contributed tool, where ClassName
matches the class name specified in the classes.txt file for either the
user-defined or built-in contributed extensions / tools. The classes for the built-in
extensions / tools include: set_copyright_year, set_mod_timestamp, simpleStyleCheck |
Contributed Tools Startup Process | ||
ID | Type | Description |
AltInit.InitSageSessionObject | Boolean | Initialize Sage Session object as part or process startup
for Workbench actions; this preference does not affect the startup process for
contributed tools ** Use this preference only in the Workspace Properties File. ** |
Editor Options | ||
ID | Type | Description |
_bCodeFolding | Boolean | Enable code folding |
_bCP_ExternalKeywords | Boolean | Completion Proposal: Enable load of external keyword categories |
_bDC_LiteralWordOnly | Boolean | Double-Click in a literal - select current word instead of entire content |
_KeywordConversion | String | Keyword case conversion rule lower ... Force lower case upper ... Force upper case |
_KC_ConvertLabels | Boolean | Also convert program line labels during Keyword conversion process |
Import / Convert | ||
ID | Type | Description |
_AddSourceFileExt | Boolean | Always add source file extension to source file when converting ProvideX programs to text |
_ProgramPasswordList | String | A space-separated list of passwords to use when attempting to convert a protected program |
P_IMPORT_SRCFILE_EXTENSION | String | A space separated list of source file extensions; the first file extension in the list will be used as the default. |
_SuppressDatafilePassword | Boolean | Suppress password request when processing a new data file |
ID | Type | Description |
_NOMADS_Default_Suffix | Boolean | Default suffix (file extension) for NOMADS library files |
Plug-in Debug | ||
ID | Type | Description |
_bDebug | Boolean | Show debug information |
_bDebugChkVer | Boolean | Show output of 'ProvideX Version Check' in Console View |
_bDebugLogToConsole | Boolean | Write debug messages to console instead of PvxProgress view |
_bDebugVerbosityLevel | String | Debug verbosity level - the higher the number the more information will be sent to the console 1 ... Minimal 2 ... Medium 9 ... Maximum |
_bDebugProcessMessages | Boolean | Write process status messages to Console View (and debug log when debug is enabled) |
_ibDebug_SC_DumpInfo | Boolean | Write Style Check Errors/Warnings data to console |
The following sample properties file shows how to use these keywords.
# Force values for preferences # makes the Eclipse environment for the project consistent for all users overridePreferenceB._bDebug=false overridePreferenceB._BtiEnable=false overridePreferenceB._BuildMaintainCase=true overridePreferenceB._CheckBinaryDataInFileHeader=true # Add to list of file extensions for resource files appendPreferenceS._CommonResourceFileExtensions=bat bin cab cat chm cmd csv log manifest xls xml xsd zip # Force specific contributed tools to be enabled or disabled # (prefix contributed tool class name with an underscore) overridePreferenceB._extObserver_masStyleCheck=false overridePreferenceB._extObserver_simpleStyleCheck=true # Additional file extensions to identify NOMADS libraries appendPreferenceS._NOMADS_Default_Suffix=M4L LIB # Force alternate startup program to initialize the build environment overridePreferenceB._UseStartUp=true overridePreferenceS._AltStartUp=C:/Dev/Work/ContribTools/CustABL/alt_startup.pvx