Prepare the Workbench

Before starting the tutorial, Eclipse must be properly set up for ProvideX development. The following is assumed:

If you are not familiar with the basic Workbench mechanisms, please review the Getting Started chapter of the Eclipse Workbench User Guide.

ProvideX Plug-in Configuration

  1. If you still see the Eclipse Welcome page, click the arrow icon to begin using the Eclipse workbench.

  2. Select the menu item Goto workbench preferences Window > Preferences... to open the workbench preferences.

  3. The ProvideX plug-in for Eclipse requires a local copy of ProvideX; ProvideX programs are the engine behind the plug-in.

    Select the Goto the ProvideX Configuration preference page ProvideX preference page.

    Configure ProvideX preference page

  4. Select the Goto the ProvideX Builder preference pageProvideX > Builder preference page and review / adjust the preferences to the appropriate values for your environment.

    Be sure to enable the options:

    Verify ProvideX Builder preference page

  5. Select the Goto the ProvideX Import/Convert preference pageProvideX > Import/Convert preference page and review / adjust the preferences to the appropriate values for your environment. Be sure to enable the preference Automatically convert ProvideX programs to text so ProvideX programs will be converted to text during the import step below.

    Configure ProvideX preference page

  6. Select the Goto the Workspace/Build preference page General > Workspace > Build preference page. Confirm that the Build automatically option is checked.

    Workbench preference page

  7. Select the Go to the Java editor preferenec page General > Editors > File Associations preference page. Confirm that the file types *.pvc, *.pvs, *.pvt, and *.pvw are associated with the ProvideX Editor. These file extensions should be preset; if there are other file extensions that are used for ProvideX programs, they can be added now.

    Java Editor preference page

  8. To associate a file type with an editor press the File Types, Add... button. The New File Type dialogue will appear - enter the file extension in the File Type field then click OK.

  9. Press the Associated Editors, Add... button. The Editor Selection dialogue will appear -  scroll down and select the ProvideX Editor from the list then click OK.

  10. Click OK to save the preferences.